Nowadays, finding raw honey online is difficult because many brands claim their honey is the best honey, pure honey, raw honey, and so on. We’d like to provide some background information on honey produced in INDIA.
In India, all honey is produced by beekeepers, who, like farmers, lack marketing skills to sell their honey. As a result, many brands buy honey from beekeepers and process it before selling it under their brand name. A high-quality honey is always hidden behind effective marketing. When looking for raw honey online, you should first look for a local and trusted beekeeper in your area. You can find most of trusted beekeeper list from the state honey board office.
What Exactly Is Raw Honey?
Raw honey is honey that has not been screened for pollen or pasteurized (heated to a temperature over 45°C).The heat process will destroy everything in the honey, and honey is similar to sugar syrup. Because of the high proportion of fructose (fruit sugar) and glucose, it frequently crystallises quickly.Raw honey sold by beekeepers is an example of raw honey.Raw honey is not sold in supermarkets or by brands other than beekeepers because it crystallises quickly. When honey begins to crystallise, unaware consumers stop purchasing it because they believe sugar has been added.Trust us. Because raw honey is also a natural sugar, it always crystallises.
How do beekeepers get honey from bee farm?
The video below depicts the entire process, from beekeepers installing bee boxes in the farm to extracting honey from the bee farm.
There are also some interesting short videos of our bee farm.
Search for a beekeeper to get real taste of raw honey instead of any seller brand !!