What Is The Difference Between Pure Raw Honey And Pure Honey?
There are numerous terms used to describe honey, such as raw honey, organic honey, pure honey, unprocessed honey, or pure raw honey.
Because of these terms, many of us were puzzled while looking for honey. In this post, we will dispel all of your misconceptions about each of these labels.
What Exactly Is Pure Honey?
Simply put, pure honey is honey to which no other substance has been added. Pure honey does not imply raw or organic honey. “Honey with ginger” or “honey with lemon,” for example, is not “pure honey” because an ingredient has been added to the honey. Pure honey may be produced by bees fed a sugar solution, pasteurized, filtered, and contain chemicals and antibiotics.
What Exactly Is Raw Honey?
Raw honey is honey that has not been screened for pollen or pasteurized (heated to a temperature over 45°C).The heat process will destroy everything in the honey, and honey is similar to sugar syrup. Because of the high proportion of fructose (fruit sugar) and glucose, it frequently crystallises quickly.Raw honey sold by beekeepers is an example of raw honey.Raw honey is not sold in supermarkets or by brands other than beekeepers because it crystallises quickly. When honey begins to crystallise, unaware consumers stop purchasing it because they believe sugar has been added.Trust us. Because raw honey is also a natural sugar, it always crystallises.
What Exactly Is Pure Raw Honey?
Pure raw honey is simply raw honey that has been filtered and has had no additives added to it. One should go for Pure Raw Honey to consume honey.
Avoid supermarket honey because it has been pasteurized (heated-treated), which kills the beneficial living nutrients. It may also contain antibiotics that are harmful to humans.