Bees are the asset for any beekeeper, so we are taking care of our bees all the time. Some of the more information on bees.

The Evolution of Bees

Bees have been pollinating crops for around 100 million years. Because of their dependency on each other, evolution has equipped them to better serve each other. For instance, bees are equipped with buzz pollination, which are flight muscles that create a humming to dislodge pollen from the flowers for easy collection. Some bees have even developed an evolutionary characteristic called floral constancy, which enables a species to specialize in detecting only one flower species. Over time, bees have also evolved to better collect pollen using pollen baskets, which are located near their hind legs to carry pollen back to the bee colony using their pollen-collective hair.

The Role of Humans

As humans, it’s important to understand that the preservation of bees directly correlates to our ecosystems surviving. Bees not only pollinate the flowers that we admire, but they fertilize our crops that we rely on the production of to eat. Because of this, time has allowed both bees and flowers to evolve and become more efficient throughout its lifecycle – directly benefiting the human population. Without the great relationship between flowers and bees, we would lose out on about two-thirds of our food supply.

Save Honeybees Save Nature!!

Reference – edntech blog

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